What if focusing on the tiny shift in your feeling of enoughness could be the leverage you need to help move the world?
In this episode we go into deeper exploration of the two worlds.
One is operating from the understanding that my purpose is to serve the world, that my achievements and my success defines me, and that I cannot afford to slow down otherwise I’d be wasting my time.
The other world is when you’ve allowed yourself to notice that perhaps at least some of the drive and motivation has been coming from a wounded place of it “not feeling enough”. Once that lacking place inside has a change to get re-filled, to feel whole and complete again, how that could impact the way you show up for yourself, your family, your projects and the world.
I also touch on the celebration of a newly released iOS app called Flowhabit Tracker that is specifically designed to help you go from one world to the other. To help you fill the holes and start operating from a place of true freedom, fulfillment and joy going after your actual dreams you’ve come here to contribute.
You think this could be an interesting journey? Well, then hop in and let’s go for a ride!