Where does the need to be productive come from?
Short answer in most of my conversations once we dig deep enough is “if I sit still and do nothing I’ll end up alone, homeless and a failure”.
“Okay, Dmitri, I hear you but how does that help me right now?”
First, like with anything… the recognition, discovery and acceptance of the underlying program running your behaviour is 80% of the way there to dissolving it out of your energy field.
At the same time with the 80/20 rule, the rest of the 20% may take 80% of the time and effort 馃槄
This is the sort of work we dive into in our weekly Powerful Creator Experience calls.
In order to dissolve this view of the world and yourself it’s important to go under what’s causing THAT.
It could be things like…
- “I’m loved only for what I do for others than for who I am” – my girlfriend helped jig this out of the way for me by saying she just loves the warm body to fall asleep on – so perhaps your warm body is just one of the good non-productive things about you… i’m sure there’s more to uncover!
- “If I stop trying to be productive then I’ll be lazy forever” – fear of laziness is crippling! Which of course when you try to sit still with nothing to do, I bet it’ll take a huge effort just to keep you down… chances are when you leave out any expectation or pressures of the world your support systems will find you simply by you doing what seems the most exciting thing for you at the time.
- “Nobody wants to be around a lazy bum” – we addressed the lazy bum thing above. The loneliness part is a bit tougher to juggle. It sits somewhere in the recognition of “you’re never alone” and seeing that “being around people who wouldn’t accept me for who I really am” is actually a huge disservice both to those people and yourself.
- I’m sure there’s more under all these and chances are you will have your own flavour of any or all of the above… including association of $$$ and ability to pay your bills to whether you’re spending your days in productivity or not.
Huge part of our conversations is in uncovering all these views of the world – helping you get to a point where you’re absolutely unshakeable with whatever goes on around you, you become magnetically authentic to your actual tribe that you get energized to spend time with, and being in the knowing that the more you follow what lights your body up in each and every moment, the more prosperity (and possibly joy!) finds its way to you.
Of course you’ll be the one creating it all.. hence the Powerful Creator Experience!
– Dmitri “Welcome Productivity Without Anxiety” Sennikov